September 24, 2012

Winyah Bay - Tarpon Fishing Report

Tarpon fishing has been steady this year around Winyah Bay, Georgwtown South Carolina. It seems we are having an average season in terms of number of tarpon around our coast.  We are in the peak of the annual mullet run and tarpon seem to be most cencentrated along beaches and inlets at the moment, feeding in and around the large pods of sea mullet heading south. As the mullet run begins to taper off ,  I expect another couple weeks of solid tarpon fishing before they start thinning out. The last few weeks in Sept and early Oct have historically produced the biggest fish of the year for me and we are at that mark.
On another note, the redfish bite has been solid, as well as trout and flounder. Red Drum in the 20lb - 40lb class are being caught surfishing around the beaches as well as Winyah Bay. Some of the best inshore fishing will take place over the next three months so plan early and come enjoy fishing in the beautiful South Carolina Lowcountry

Here are a couple of recent tarpon fishing pictures...